Sunday 14 June 2009

BAFTA/Rocliffe April 2009

Scenes from my screenplay Boy in Amber were performed at the recent BAFTA/Rocliffe event held at BAFTA's headquarters in Piccadilly. The event was chaired by Rocliffe curator Farah Abushwesha and by Four Weddings and a Funeral director, Mike Newell. The photos below show me with the great man himself, and two members of the cast - Chris Overton and Zac Fox. The photos are by Marc Hoberman Photography.

The scenes were directed by Paul Callahan, and the other cast members were Alexandra Boyd and Fiona Wade. There was music by Simon Russell and artwork by Kem White. It was a great experience seeing part of my film performed (brilliantly) and great getting words of encouragement on my screenplay from Mike Newell, and chatting to him afterwards.

Since the BAFTA event, I have focussed the screenplay more onto the relationships between the two boys and their journey.

A handout on the event can be found here:


  1. I look forward to reading your blog Julian.

  2. Hi Julian,
    I read the synopsis of Boy in Amber on the Rocliffe/BAFTA site and have to say it was incredibly moving and gripping. I'm looking forward to seeing this when you get it off the ground and running.
    All the best,
